Contact Us

Welcome to Jr/Sr HS

General Information

school crest
Classes start at 7:45 a.m. and end at 2:24 p.m.

To report a student late or absent please call the Main Office at (585) 494-1220 ex. 2201 or email [email protected] with the student's name, grade, the reason for the absence, and a call-back number.

Meet our Jr./Sr. High School administrators & staff

Principal Paul Hazard

Phone: (585) 494-1220 x2401

Asst. Principal Katie Grattan

Phone: (585) 494-1220 x3112

Jr./Sr. HS & Athletics Secretary Mary Hughes

Phone   (585) 494-1220 x3116

Jr./Sr. HS Secretary Amanda Knauss


Phone   (585) 494-1220 x2201

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