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Go Bees!

Byron-Bergen Bee Logo

High school athletics is an important part of our educational program. Students have the chance to challenge themselves physically and mentally, and develop lifelong skills that will serve them well. 

Athletic Director: Rich Hannan
[email protected]  phone 585-494-1220 x2003

Athletes, always remember that you represent yourself as well as your school when you wear a Byron-Bergen uniform (whether you accept it or not).   Never do anything on the field, court or course that could tarnish what you and your team is trying to accomplish.   
“Sports don’t build character, they reveal it”     

Twenty-Four Hour Rule
Please allow 24 hours before approaching your child’s coach about an issue on the field.  This gives both parties time to cool off and conversations are more productive.  
Sign-Out Policy: Must ride home with your own Parent, or a person that is designated by your parent.  Please note that a head coach has the authority to override this and have all athletes on the bus for the ride home.  
Program Philosophy
You can expect modified athletes to all play in every game for equitable amounts of time; coaches may choose to play some students more depending on effort and ability but all students will play.  Athletes at the JV level should all get in the game at some point but playtime will be based more on ability, dedication and practice, and coach’s choice.  Varsity playtime is at the discretion of the coach and the goal of each contest is winning the game- play is not guaranteed.  Feel free to ask your child’s coach about playtime, please apply the 24 hour rule.

The athletics website is an excellent source of information, it includes schedules, coach’s email addresses, bus times and game updates. You can also contact the Athletic Director through the site.  This is the fastest way to get information most times.   

Athletic Department Website (Rschool reminders)
Look under departments- athletics, or go to

Chain of Communication
If an issue occurs with your child please follow the chain of communication below.
  1. Athlete discusses the issue with the coach to work out the issue
  2. Parent discusses the issue with the coach- please call to set up an appointment
  3. Parent discusses the issue with the Athletic Director
  4. Meeting occurs between all parties involved
Please note if you cannot get in touch with the coach please feel free to call the Athletic Director and he will share the message with the coach.
Code of Conduct (revised July 2019) 
Athletes and parents must sign the Code of Conduct in order to participate in sports.  This Code prohibits hazing or bullying of any kind.  Illegal substances including drugs and alcohol are prohibited for all students including athletes.  In addition, the Code of Conduct requires students and parents to use good citizenship and sportsmanship on the field or as spectators.  Cheering should be positive.

Safety First- Concussion Management
New York State Laws have changed for concussion management in schools.   All schools must have a concussion management plan that includes pre-injury testing (IMPACT), and removal from play for a minimum of 24 hours if a concussion is suspected.  A student who has sustained a concussion MUST see a doctor and MUST be cleared to return to play by a doctor.  By law we cannot waive this requirement.  Once the athlete is cleared to return to play that student will follow a return to play protocol recommended by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association.  
Safety First- Injury Management
If your son or daughter has sustained an injury during practice or a game, the coach will file an injury report with the nurse’s office.  If the athlete is restricted from play they must have a doctor’s clearance letter/ note stating that they may return WITH NO RESTRICTIONS.  Unless the note says no restrictions the student cannot return to play.  

Alumni Wall of Fame
Each year the B-B Athletic Department inducts former student athletes, coaches (retired over five years) and supporters of athletic programs by inducting them into the Athletic Wall of Fame.  If you know of a person who you would like to nominate for this honor please fill out the nomination form found on the district website or at the soccer ticket booth and return it to the Athletic Director by October 30.  

(Please be advised, due to certain sports specific regulations, the universal under uniform color at Byron-Bergen is white.) 


Information on Sports Boosters

Sports Boosters
The Byron-Bergen Sports Boosters is a not-for-profit organization that serves all Byron-Bergen sports teams and thrives on the participation of parents throughout the year.  A large part of the funds for the Boosters is raised through concession sales at the Soccer Field.  

President: Frank Jarkiewicz
Vice President:  Debi Amador
Treasurer: Lori Brumsted 

Arbiter Sports

Family ID is now Arbiter Sports.

Click the link above to access Arbiter Sports. 

All JV & Varsity teams will begin practice on Monday 11/18.  Please make sure you are signed up on Family ID and the link is below to our athletic page. The Family ID (arbiter) link is on the right hand side.  If you do not already have it in, please make sure the school nurse has a copy of your physical on file.  


As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to my office at [email protected] or 494-1220 x2003


Coach Contacts

winter 2024-2025- Coaches 

Varsity Swimming    Sara Stockwell    [email protected]                                                                                            
Modifed Swimming     Jason Blom    [email protected]                                                                                            
Varsity Girls Basketball     Rick Krznewski     [email protected]                                                                                            
JV Girls Basketball     Elliott Flint    [email protected]                                                                                            
Modfied Girls Basketball     Nick Muhlenkamp    [email protected]                                                                                            
Varsity Boys Basketball     Roxanne Noeth     [email protected]                                                                                            
JV Boys Basketball     Chris Chapman    [email protected]                                                                                            
Modified Boys Basketball                                                                                                     
Varsity Wrestling     Matthias Ellis     [email protected]                                                                                            
Varsity Wrestling     Rich Hannan    [email protected]                                                                                            
JV Wrestling     Josh Brabon    [email protected] 
Cheerleading Krissy Bird             [email protected]
                      Rachel Lambert     [email protected]
Indoor Track                                                                                                     

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