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Byron-Bergen Central Schools
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NYS Seal of Civic Readiness
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History of Byron-Bergen Schools
Mission, Vision & Beliefs
Our District Mission & Vision
District Beliefs and Goals
The School/Community of Byron-Bergen Central School believes...
That our students will have a premier academic preparation, and will demonstrate the knowledge and skills which will allow them to optimize their potential for a high level of success in personal development, in work experience, and in lifelong learning.
That our students will demonstrate critical thinking skills, using logic and creativity in making decisions and in solving problems.
That our students will demonstrate respect for themselves and others and the world around them.
The Byron-Bergen learning community will...
Provide a school environment that is proactive in maintaining an individual’s physical and emotional safety.
Produce graduates who are responsible, well-rounded, goal-oriented life-long learners who are prepared for the future. The District will ensure high learning standards by utilizing researched-based curriculum and instructional strategies to create opportunities for all students to become college and career ready.
Provide ongoing professional development for District staff, administration and the Board of Education in an effort to promote high-quality educational opportunities.
Promote cost effectiveness by developing a transparent budget that provides a quality education in a fiscally responsible manner that is accomplished through multi-year planning. Continue to explore opportunities to sustain a viable district through collaboration and shared services, as well as revenue generating opportunities.
Provide quality buildings, infrastructure and facilities that are well maintained and efficient.
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