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School Tax Information

To Make a Payment

Make checks payable to Byron-Bergen School District. Payments will NOT be accepted at the BBCSD District Office. Payments will be received in person at any Bank of Castile or by mail:
Byron-Bergen School District
C/O Bank of Castile
PO Box 853
Ithaca, NY 14851 
Credit Card or E-Check 
Pay Online at A fee is charged for this option. Credit card fees range from 2% to 4% depending on your credit card. E-check fees are a flat dollar amount of $1.50. Please note an e-check is a deduction from your bank account, please make sure you have funds available at the time of payment.


The Byron-Bergen Tax Office is open to the public weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
No payments are accepted at the Tax Office. 
Byron-Bergen District Office
6917 West Bergen Road
Bergen NY 14416
Phone: (585) 494–1220 ext. 2222
Fax: (585) 494-2613
[email protected]

Payment Tips

  • Be sure to pay correct amount for date payment is being submitted (see chart above).
  • Make sure numerical and written amount on check match, and check is signed.
  • Be sure to include bill, or copy of bill, with payment. 

Common Errors Made on Tax Payments

  • Error: Check is not signed.
    Result: Check is returned to the maker and the tax bill remains unpaid.
  • Error: Numeric and written amount on check don't match.
    Result: Bank will not process check. Check is returned to the maker and the tax bill remains unpaid.
  • Error: Amount paid does not include the penalty due.
    Result: Amount due depends on date payment is made. If payment is made in person at the bank, the date the payment is recieved at the bank teller's window is considered the date of payment. If a tax payment is mailed, the date of the official postmark on the envelope is considered the date of payment. If the amount submitted is not the amount due on the date of payment, which would include any penalties due on that date, the check is returned to the maker with a notification of underpayment and the tax bill remains unpaid.  
  • Error: Automated bill pay - payee is incorrect.
    Result: Automated bill pay has the wrong payee information and check is not recieved by Tompkins Trust Co. or payment is received late. Check is returned to the maker and tax bill remains unpaid. 
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