Want to know more about our Board of Education and how we work? We've addressed a few of the most common questions here.
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When are meetings held? |
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Regular BOE Meetings are held each month at 7 p.m. (or as posted in agenda) Occasionally, regular meetings must be rescheduled or additional meetings held. * Please check the District Calender for updates on the schedule, details, date, time and location.
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Where are meetings held? |
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Meetings are held at the BBCS District facility, located at 6917 West Bergen Road, Bergen, New York 14416.
Locations are rotated between the High School, Middle School and Elementary School buildings. The exact locations are noted on the District Calender.
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When are agendas available? |
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Copies of the agenda are available at each meeting.
Copies of the agenda are sent to Board members prior to the meeting so they can be well informed on agenda topics requiring action.
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How do the meetings proceed? |
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To ensure efficient handling of the business before the Board and the Community at each meeting, all present, including Board members, follow specific rules of order.
All meetings are conducted by the President (or Vice President in the absence of the President), in accordance with a standard agenda format.
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Are Meeting Minutes available? |
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Yes, past Meeting Minutes are routinely posted on the BBCS website.
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What kind of business does the Board address? |
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The Board of Education's responsibilities include: - establishing policy for the operation of schools
- adopting curriculum
- authorizing expenditures
- determining goals and standards
- interpreting the educational needs of the community
- representing the views of the community in matters affecting education.
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Who is eligible to serve on the BOE? |
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People are eligible for election to the Board if they are qualified voters of the District and can read and write. Board members receive no salaries or other compensation. If you are interested in more information, please contact the District Office.
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What are the Board's functions? |
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As your representatives, the Board exercises the community's rights to local control over public education. Every Board of Education in New York has legal and financial control over local school matters, subject only to limitations imposed by the United States Constitution, federal law, state law, regulations of the Commissioner of Education, and the will of local residents as expressed in local elections.
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Can you participate in Board meetings? |
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Yes! At every public Board of Education meeting there is opportunity for visitors to participate. Visitors are asked, upon being recognized by the Board President, to introduce themselves, state their address and identify the organization they are representing (if any).
This "Recognition" occurs early in each meeting; at this time, the Board is open to comment on any subject on that meeting's agenda. This guarantees residents the chance to offer opinions on actions slated to take place later in the evening. Individuals are permitted to speak for up to three minutes. A total of 15 minutes will be allowed for public comment at this time.
The Board is present to hear your comments but will refrain from commenting until they have had an opportunity to thoughtfully reflect on what you have said. If your comments require follow up or a response from the Board, appropriate action or follow up will be taken.