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Jr. HS Spring Band and Chorus Concert

On Thursday, May 30th, the Jr. High School Band and Chorus took the stage for their Spring Concert. The chorus was led by Choirmaster Joseph Paris and accompanied by Charles Palella on the piano. Their first selection was "Storm" by J. Desjardins featuring Zach Gay on percussion. They next tackled a medley from Andrew Lloyd Webber's Broadway juggernaut "The Phantom of the Opera", arranged by A. Snyder. They finished their set with "I am a Small Part of the World" by S. Albrecht and J. Althouse and "O Sifuni Mungu" arranged by R. Emerson and featuring solos by Connor Tuerk, Katy Erion, Danny Balduf, Brooklyn Culmo, Genevieve Smith, Michael Rogoyski, and Eala Coniglio and percussion by Zach Gay, Genevieve Smith, and Jenna Reddick. 
It was then time for the band to take the stage under the direction of Kevin Bleiler for performances of "Synchronized Energy" by Greg Fhiaras, "Japanese Pictures" by Kevin Maxon, and "Red Giant" by Jorge Vargas. Mr. Bleiler paused the lineup to acknowledge the students who participated in GWMEA All County Band and award candy and trophies. The musicians closed out the night with an energetic rendition of "Cantina Band" by J. Williams, arranged by M. Kamuf. 
Congratulations to all of the student musicians. 

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