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Meal distribution plan

Byron-Bergen Central School District received approval from the New York State Child Nutrition Office to provide meals to all Byron-Bergen School children ages 3 through 18 at no cost.  We are very pleased to be able to offer these meals to our students.

This program is designed to provide meals to our students while also abiding by suggested social distancing guidelines. To that effect, we are operating on the honor system. It is not necessary to bring your students with you for pickup. Additionally, picking up meals for neighbors' students is allowed. We will just require you to give the names of the students you are picking meals up for. We trust that our community members will take only what they need to distribute to students.

The following is a detailed description of our food distribution plan:

-          Eligibility

o   Meals will be available for all students ages 3 through 18 who attend Byron-Bergen Schools. However, students need not be present at pick up.

-          Food Preparation

o   Cooks and selected food service staff will be deemed essential to prepare these meals.

o   Meal preparation will occur in the Junior/Senior High School Kitchen.

o   Meals will consist of non-perishable items and be bagged for distribution.

o   Meals that are not consumed immediately are to be refrigerated. 

o   A food service staff member will distribute bags directly to vehicles in the bus loop. Please do not get out of your vehicle.

o   Please remember, no students are allowed on the school campus.

-          Food Safety

o   Please contact Mary DellaPenna at 494-1220 ext 1015 or by email at [email protected]  if your student has a dietary restriction or food allergy.

In an effort to make meal pick up easier and safer for our community, Byron Bergen Central School's meal distribution days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. 

=       Monday includes Monday’s lunch and Tuesday’s breakfast

=       Tuesday includes lunch for Tuesday/Wednesday and breakfast for Wednesday/Thursday

=       Thursday includes lunch for Thursday/Friday and breakfast for Friday